Key Stage 3 & 4

Key stage 3 workshops

Kersey to Jersey

A creative workshop that takes pupils through the various stages of the cloth making process with links to the workof famous artists. Pupils will record their method and observations in their own sketchbook. They will learn how to create natural dyes and will use this to try out the technique of shibori. Pupils will be encouraged to think about their own art processes and how this workshop can help inspire their work.

Curriculum links: Art & Design, Design Technology, History and Maths

Medieval to modern merchant

Pupils will go on a chronological journey through time exploring the history of The Piece Hall and the surrounding area, from medieval times up to the present day. Through a series of activities, object handling and debates, pupils will learn about The Piece Hall’s link to the
Industrial Revolution, national and international trade and significant events such as the Luddite rebellions. Pupils will build their knowledge by looking at a series of sources and learning more about the significance of primary and secondary evidence.

Curriculum links: History, Geography, English and Maths

A piece of poetry

A literacy workshop that takes pupils on an informative journey exploring the history of The Piece Hall and analysing a variety of poems from different eras. Through engaging with the building, pupils will learn a number of poetry techniques and will use the inspiration of The Piece
Hall to create their own piece of poetry. They will learn performance techniques and present their poems to the rest of the class.

Curriculum links: English, Drama and History

Key stage 4 workshops

Literature context day

Pupils will go on a journey through time to experience life in the nineteenth century. They will learn about Halifax’s connection to Charles Dickens and other historical extracts. The visit can be connected to the text currently being studied.

Curriculum links: English, History and Geography

Geography field trip

Learn more about the regeneration of The Piece Hall and consider the impacts on the town in this hands-on workshop. Pupils will analyse historical documents and interview tourists and business owners to find out more.

Curriculum links: History, English and Business