Key Stage 2


Kersey to Jersey

This creative workshop will take pupils through the various stages of the cloth making process whilst exploring materials and their properties. Becoming both artists and scientists for the day, to test the strength, water resistance and insulation of materials, they will record their predictions and observations in sketchbooks.

Curriculum links: STEM, History, Art & Design

Medieval to modern merchant

In this hands-on workshop, pupils will dig up the past, exploring the history of The Piece Hall, its national and international significance and its fascinating story from medieval times to the present day. Pupils will investigate historical objects, maps and images and will engage in a variety of activities, including an archaeological dig, weaving and testing out their balance skills inspired by the acrobat Blondin – who famously performed at The Piece Hall.

Curriculum links: History, Geography, English & STEM

A piece of poetry

Pupils will go on a fun journey exploring the history of The Piece Hall through poetry; building up a bank of words and phrases through illiteration, adjectives, rhythm, rhyme, similes and metaphors. They will develop their poetry skills, learn about acrostic, kenning and free-verse poetry and use these styles to create their own masterpieces.

Curriculum links: English, Drama and History